Oprah on Having Children
Oprah Winfrey, tv legend and one of, if not the richest woman in the world with a net worth of 2.9 billion, recently explained in an interview with Hollywood reporters why she didn't have kids. "If I had kids, my kids would hate me. They would have ended up on the equivalent of the Oprah show talking about me, because something in my life would have had to suffer and it would've probably been them. Gayle (now a mother of two) was the kind of kid who, in seventh grade class, was writing down her name and the names of her children while I was having daydreams about how I could be a Martin Luther King". Linda posted this on her blog,read HERE . The comments weren't unexpected for the average Nigerian. I guess I am just pained because we continually show an intolerance for people or things that don't think the way we do. So, Oprah felt she would not make a good mother. That she would be unable to balance her career and the demand of having kids. ...