UAE breastfeeding Law

A new law passed in the UAE now requires women to breastfeed their kids for at least 2 years. The law also states that men can sue their wives if they refuse. If a woman for medical reasons is unable to breastfeed, then a wet nurse would be provided.

 I can't even begin to start with this one. Its hard enough to breastfeed then to make it mandatory, even punishable if a woman decides not to. Na wa oh.
Then other questions arise like; who is this wet nurse, do i have a choice or must I take the one offered, who pays this nurse, does she express and give the baby or is she required to pop her boob into my child's mouth, will she be required to live in my house for this 2 year period and who decides a woman is medically unable to breastfeed....

I'd like to know what you  people think.Personally if I lived in the UAE, I think I might just run. Please feel free to drop your comments below......

P.S While we are on the topic of breastfeeding, please what's the big deal with women breastfeeding in public. I assumed that the world had gotten used to this but I find people are still quite uncomfortable at the sight of a woman with a baby at her breast.


  1. I think they are over doing it. Breastfeeding for 2yr s is a recommendation in the Quran not a compulsion. There is no compulsion in religion. What are they trying to prove? Has there been any research to show that not breastfeeding that long is harmful to the child? Utter nonsense abeg. It's laws like this that make people think Islam oppresses women. IT DOESN'T!

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting Nike! I quite agree at there being no research. That said, it's a law oh. Meaning if it isn't done, then there will be repercussions. Why couldn't they encourage or give incentive to breastfeed that long instead of passing the law.


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