How Not to Put your Foot In It (Poke Nose matter)

Hi everyone, came across this article(10 things never to say to singles)  and I think it's a must read for people who feel inclined to ask about their single friends relationships. Some may seem like no brainers but sometimes we just don't put enough thought into how we come across. Mainly cause we care but that isn't really an excuse. Guess the more important question is which do we value more- the friend or her/his love life?

While we are on this topic of careless sentences that friends say, I must mention when a friend asked what I was waiting and wasn't with child. Talk about being pushy. I should have issued her the above certificate. Honestly even my mum wasn't that obvious. We(Nigerians) have a culture of 'poke nosing' but we should stop and ask some important questions before letting that statement loose.

- Why do I want to know this? Is it concern or just a need to hear gist? If it's about gist. Hold out. The gist will probably come out by itself without any prompting from you.

- Will I die if i don't find out? The obvious answer to this is NO! Plus is this gist more important than your friendship?

- Do I come across as being pushy? Pushy isn't a good thing. it comes across as insensitive sometimes. So, for the avoidance of awkward situations,review this step/question several times.

- Is this friend a private person? If so, best to keep your concerns or questions to yourself.

- Will I sound like a "know-it-all" , if i offer unsolicited advice?

- Am I really the best person to be offering advice?
and my personal favourite
- If I were in my friends' shoes, would I appreciate being asked this question?

I know we have ALL been nosy at some point in time. Especially with relationship/pregnancy gist but that does not mean we should continue being nosy without being sensitive to our friends.


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