Relationship facts

Following my earlier posts about relationships and finding a 'life partner', decided to do some research and come up with interesting relationship facts. I plan to unveil relationship facts that could help someone out there.

Please I just call them facts. That does NOT make them so. Remember there is no road map to this thing called relationships. Its a very individual thing. SO here's hoping I keep you all entertained and coming back to read more. Please feel free to drop your comments below.


   #FACT 1
One of the most important relationships in any individuals' life is the relationship between their parents. The way a child sees his/her parents interact serves as a back bone for almost every other relationship the child has. And this doesn't just apply to romantic involvements. It also colours our other relationships -siblings, friends, colleagues  even with your boss.

This does not mean a child from a home where the parents are divorced will be unable to have a successful relationship/marriage. No. This refers to how the parents deal with themselves on a daily basis and also how they interact in conflict situations. That's part of the reason, children from abusive homes can become abusive themselves or alternatively the child decides he/she will never be like that and goes the extreme to ensure he/she is not violent.

But beyond violence, there are a lot more subtle things you pick up passively from your folks. For example, I just recently learned I try a lot of other tactics rather than just confronting the person I am angry with. Much like my mum. I also picked up her desire to bring people together. Saw her doing it for years at her work place and wondered why she bothered but I find myself falling into pretty much the same pattern.

So, what attribute do you think you subconsciously picked up from your parent(s)? Think about it. Remember it might not even be between you and your significant other. Please let me know in the comment box below.

Thanks for reading.


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