HYpertension and snoring..... REALLY!!

Okay, so I am a medical doctor and I  practiced in Nigeria. So i honestly felt i had the skinny on hypertension. I mean we all know the risk factors- familial, sedentary lifestyle, obesity , alcohol blah blah blah.

 Imagine my utter shock and amusement when i saw a comment on linda ikeji's blog about causes of hypertension and someone said snoring. i was about to reply- what utter hogwash! but i decided for the sake of ..... . to check. I checked and behold. Shock, i tell you. Shock. Anyhow, we live and we learn.
so, yes! snoring has been linked to hypertension. snoring causes sleep apnea, which is just a fancy way of saying oxygen deprivation.

Snoring and its resulting low oxygen supply to the body can have a similar effect as lack of sleep . Research shows that someone who doesnt sleep has a higher tendency or higher risk factor for hypertension. you can find more information HERE and HERE.

Lets try to keep ourselves informed and stay healthy. Thank you for reading.


  1. Wow, snoring and hypertension...thanks for the information.

  2. Thank you for reading Lara......


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