Don't Worry..... Be Happy
Its time to put on the happy faces..... International Day of Happiness is here. March 20th. I know, I know.... who comes up with these things? Well turns out it was the United Nations General Asssembly some time last year. They believe happiness is a human right..... I wish it was that easy.
Happiness is defined as a feeling or a show of contentment OR
having a sense of confidence in or satisfaction with (a person, arrangement, or situation).
I would like to briefly discuss barriers to happines ;
1. Lack of contentment; Being content isn't easy. It takes gratitude. Believing that you are good or will be good. Not constantly wondering when/where your big break will come or that which you seem to desire will eventually happen. Or to put it the way my partner does- knowing that no matter your situation, there is someone worse off than you. This can also be tied in with lack of accomplishment .
2. Lack of connection; with other people, with God or with yourself. It helps when we, as human beings feel connected to people. this is one element of religion that can't totally be quantified. Just knowing that you aren't alone on earth or aren't a purposeless being can be the most mood lifting thing. This feeling can also be found when you feel connected with other people like family or really good friends. It helps having a support system to share the good and the bad times with. So, make a friend today, meditate or pray, it helps.
3.Purpose or work; whether we know it or not, work is a form of sanity. we detest yet we love. there is nothing like feeling purposeless. without aim. Just waking up and being. no work. this ties in with charity work or giving. it helps you feel useful and also helps to connect to people. helps us appreciate our lives better.
So, all 3 are connected in a rather indirect manner.
Whatever you do , try to make someone smile. It is truly a worthy cause and can not be over emphasized. it doesnt have to be giving alms. It could be as simple as listening to someone that needs an ear or proffering a solution or going out of your way for an acquaintance. Please spread the cheer.
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